High Availability software

Solutions include Application High availability (Oracle, MS-IIS, Networker backup software...), Windows real-time data replication, Novell Netware real-time data replication, server mirroring, file-level data replication, high availability storage management, optical / DVD high-availability archival, which includes data mirroring, hot standby, etc... of your archived data.   All solutions provide higher availability of your data to a different degree - from simple replication of data to a complete data redundant and automated failover system.

  • Automated Availability Manager (AAM)  Linux  Unix  Microsoft Windows

    Automated Availability Manager delivers automated high-availability management of enterprise applications such as ERP, database, email, and Web applications across heterogeneous platforms including Solaris Sparc, Solaris Intel, HP-UX, AIX, Linux, and Windows NT/2000.

  • Co StandByServer  Microsoft Windows

    Provides server mirroring capabilities in real-time for Windows environments. Enables bi-directional failover - where two fully functioning Windows servers to act as hot spares for each other (for application or server failure) with automatic switchover.

  • Off Site Archive for NetWare  Novell Netware

    OFFSite Archive for NetWare is a disaster recovery solution, which creates a point-in-time recovery image of data at another location. In the event of a local disaster, the remote system can be used to quickly recover the primary server’s critical data and network services.

  • Replistor  Microsoft Windows

    Provides file-level data replication via TCP/IP across a SAN or a WAN. Lets you replicate a complete system or individual files, directories... in a Windows environments. From one/many computers to one or many computers. Ideal for off-line backup protection, disaster recovery switch over, file and content publication across a corporation, etc...

  • StandByServer for NetWare  Novell Netware

    StandbyServer for NetWare allows you to protect data and applications running on several NetWare servers. StandbyServer provide high speed mirroring transfers information via a dedicated network, without adding any additional traffic to your production LAN.

Optical management software

  • UnyStor Hi-Availability  Linux  Unix  Microsoft Windows

    A storage management software that lets you access your optical jukeboxes and/or tape libraries as a standard Disk Storage device, and provides you with added hi-availability functionality. UnyStor Hi-Availability incorporates a method of maintaining a high level of data availability, with the addition of functionality such as event based mirroring, transaction-logging cache, and a system independent disk format. UnyStor Hi-Availability integrates all your network storage media - client and server magnetic disks, on-line and off-line optical, DVD, CD drives & jukeboxes, and tape libraries - into a single, centrally managed storage hierarchy, appearing to users and applications as a standard magnetic disk with virtually unlimited storage capacity.