NetWorker Module - EMC Symmetrix for Oracle
Serverless Backup and Recovery
NetWorker Module for EMC2 Symmetrix for Oracle (NMEO) delivers live, serverless backup and recovery of Oracle databases stored on EMC2 Symmetrix Enterprise Storage Systems. Managed by NetWorker, NMEO is fully integrated with EMC2 TimeFinder, SRDF technology, and Oracle to provide automated protection and optimizes database performance. Oracle data is copied from a Business Continuance Volume (BCV) or Symmetrix Remote Data Facility (SRDF) Volume directly to tape using a secondary server, enabling Oracle databases to remain fully accessible and free from the impact of backup operations. With NetWorker Module for EMC2 Symmetrix for Oracle, true 24x7 service level attainment can be realized for even the largest Oracle databases.
Protecting Oracle databases online traditionally relies upon Oracle log files and database server resources. This method works well for small to medium sized databases that can be backed up during “off-peak” hours when Oracle demand is light. However for large Oracle environments that must operate at peak service levels “around-the-clock”, impact-free protection is needed to achieve business objectives. NMEO delivers live, automated protection without sacrificing Oracle performance.
NMEO contains two key components. The first component resides on the Oracle server and upon initiation by NetWorker, places the database in a consistent state utilizing Oracle’s “alter tablespace” function. Through interaction with EMC2 TimeFinder or SRDF, this component then splits off a mirrored BCV or SRDF volume and returns Oracle to its normal state. This takes only seconds and avoids the sluggishness that can occur from filling log files during backups of large, highly active databases.
The second component resides on a secondary server connected to the EMC Symmetrix array and copies the Oracle data from the split BCV or SRDF volume directly to tape. Since backup traffic bypasses Oracle server resources, administrators can perform full backups including important Oracle control and log files at anytime, without impacting user productivity – eliminating the need for a backup window. Once complete, the mirrored volume is automatically re-synced.
In the event of data loss, NetWorker enables individual data files or an entire database to be readily restored. NMEO also fully leverages NetWorker’s backup scheduling, efficient indexing, and advanced media handling, including library and dynamic drive sharing, to keep overhead low and service levels high. These combined features further simplify, centralize and automate Oracle information protection, thus reducing overhead and total cost of ownership.
Features & Benefits
Online Backup for SAP R/3 on
Oracle Stored on EMC Symmetrix
High availability data protection solution for very large SAP R/3 applications on Oracle databases stored on EMC Symmetrix Enterprise Storage Array
Integrates with EMC Symmetrix TimeFinder and SAP BR*tools software to provide backups from a secondary backup host
Provides point-in-time
recovery of SAP R/3 applications on Oracle databases
Serverless Backup Using a
Secondary Server
The SAP data is copied directly from the BCV to the tape using a separate backup host
No additional strain is placed on the database server during the backup process
Perform backups at any time of
the day and not impact the performance of the database server
New Features Provide
Increased Performance
Support for databases that reside on multiple Symmetrix arrays
Support for multiple BCVs mapped to a single standard device
Support for user defined Symmetrix device groups
Support for backup "dry-run" feature for troubleshooting
Advanced Archive Log
Database Server
The database server must be running Sun Solaris 2.6, 7, or 8 or HP-UX 11.0, 11i
The Oracle database must be version Oracle 7.3.4, 8.0.x, 8i or Oracle9i
The SAP R/3 BR*tools v4.5B and above
The database server is
licensed with NetWorker Module for EMC Symmetrix for Oracle
Backup Server
The backup server must be
running Sun Solaris 2.6, 7, or 8 or HP-UX 11.0, 11i to match the
database server.
NetWorker Server