Network Processors
Today an organizations
ability to compete depends upon its ability to access and
manage information. Rapid data access with fast response times is
becoming more critical each day as data volumes increase. SPANStor
NAS Appliances provide the reliable, cost-effective, and scalable
storage solutions necessary in todays information infrastructure.
Supporting up to 4 Network Processors per chassis, SPANStor is capable
of delivering unmatched price/performance. Running in a typical
system configuration, each SPANStor NP can support its own Gigabit
Ethernet interface, delivering data with unmatched response times.
No client licenses are required: SPANStor appliances support UNIX,
Microsoft Windows, and HTTP concurrently. Designed for simplicity
and ease of use, SPANStor-GT provides UNIX and Windows systems fast
data access with appliance reliability. Powered by the SPANStor
realtime micro kernal data appliances are dedicated to one function:
delivering data.
HTTP / Applets,
Fault-Tolerant Hardware,
Storage Architecture
provides an open storage architecture that scales to meet your needs.
When combined with industry standard RAID subsystems, SPANStor supports
user customizable RAID levels (0, 1, 0+1, 3, 5,) on different data
sets in the same storage module. Each Network Processor supports
a variety of Ethernet network connections (10/100/1000) and SCSI
interface channels using powerful realtime software that dynamically
optimizes data storage for maximum performance. Each SPANStor license
includes concurrent support for NFS, SMB/CIFS, and HTTP protocols.
Backup support for SCSI tape devices is standard, removing backup
data from your corporate networks and speeding backup times. A full
line of SPANStor companion products is available supporting multi-level
& remote mirroring, Fibre Channel SAN attachment, and Enterprise
Backup. Only SPANStor Storage Appliances provide for concurrent
network attached and direct connected host system data access.
- Enterprise Information Enabling
& Administer from a Console, Telnet, or WWW using HTTP &
JAVA Applets
Processor Specifications:
Software License
256 MB RAM PC100 ECC SDRAM Standard
Two 3.3V DIMM slots (1GB Maximum RAM)
500 to 850 MHz Pentium-III Processors
U2W SCSI Interface
SVGA Video Adapter with 2MB video memory
10/100 Fast Ethernet
Tolerant Chassis:
Dual 350 watt
hot swappable, load sharing, auto adjusting, redundant power supplies
are standard. A superior cooling design using three 90 CFM hot swappable
filtered fans plus two fans in each power supply ensure power supply
heat is not added to card cage. Remote environmental monitoring
of chassis fans, voltages, and temperatures is standard.
GT Chassis Specifications:
H (6U) x 19" W x 24" D 70 lbs.
120 - 220 VAC 50 - 60 Hz Auto Adjusting
FCC Class A, UL Recognized, C.E. Certified
Highly Scalable Architecture:
Each GT Chassis
supports up to 4 Intel Pentium-III based Network Processors, providing
scalablity and investment protection. Independently controlled power
sequenced backplane segments permit replacement of a single NP while
the others continue to operate.
Each segment
1 Network
3 PCI Slots
1 ISA Slot
Options Include:
LVD or SE SCSI Disk Drives (15,000, 10,000 or 7,200 RPM)
Gigabit Ethernet Adapter (Fiber or Copper)
256MB to 1GB of SDRAM ECC Cache Memory
Fibre Channel SAN Module
Rack Mounted Console (color monitor & keyboard)
High Speed SCSI Tape Backup Support
APCC Smart-UPS with Cable
19" Rackmount Equipment Cabinets
Tape Drives and Tape Libraries
Why SPANStor
Network Attached Storage
Concurrent UNIX and Windows client support
Scalable Content Serving
Ease of Installation and Management
Exceptional Performance
Unsurpassed Value
Manages up to 8 Terabytes of Storage (with external disk
Native Tape Backup for local high speed backup
NDMP Backup Support for third party backup at SCSIbus speeds
