Application Environment for Guardian and Snap NAS Server

The Application Environment for Guardian and Snap NAS servers provides support for applications based upon Java technology. This software will allow customers to run applications based on Java technology to enhance the file sharing capabilities of Guardian and Snap NAS servers or to transform them into specialized application server appliances.
Supported Guardian and Snap NAS servers Include:
Guardian 14000
Guardian 4400
Snap Server 4100
Snap Server 2200
Snap Server 1100 
Snap Server 12000
Snap Server 4000 (Model no longer in production) 
Snap Server 2000 (Model no longer in production)
Guardian NAS servers utilize the Java2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE) version 1.3.
Snap Server NAS servers utilize Jeode virtual machine technologies from Insignia Solutions. The Jeode application environment is Insignia's accelerated implementation of Java technology, tailored for embedded devices and information appliances. The Jeode Application Environment for Snap Server Products carries the Java Powered brand, having passed the EmbeddedJava Technology Compatibility Kit (TCK) provided by Sun Microsystems.
Included in all Guardian and Snap NAS server software is support for Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0. This is a secure protocol that enables a remote client to establish a secure connection to a Guardian or Snap NAS server through a browser. This secure communication can be used to administer the Guardian or Snap NAS server and/or access data in a specific directory of the Guardian or Snap NAS server. SSL addresses the issue of "in the clear" passwords transmitted as part of the standard HTTP protocol and prevents a third party from gaining unauthorized access to the server.