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PowerQuest DataKeeper

The PowerQuest DataKeeper backup software allows you to easily perform secure, automated backups of all your important data in a Windows environment.
Users face the risk of data loss every day because they do not have an adequate backup of their data. It is estimated that 50% of all corporate data on PCs or workstations is not backed up on a regular basis.

However, PowerQuest DataKeeper is a simple solution that allows users to create a backup each time their PC starts, and it continuously monitors all data and system files that are changed during the session. This software is included with the purchase of every Snap Server to provide networked-based file backup and mobile user backup protection.

Workstation Backup Made Easy with PowerQuest DataKeeper

The Risk of Data Loss

Traditional data backup systems protect corporate information stored on servers, but the typical knowledge worker’s workstation is unprotected from data system failure or user error. It is estimated that more than half of corporate data resides on user PCs and workstations that are never backed up. Workers leave critical data unprotected because:

  • They do not know how to backup their machines;
  • They do not understand how important backups are because they have not had a disaster happen to them (yet);
  • They forget because they do not have a routine for completing backups;
  • They cannot be bothered because backups are a time-consuming chore. Business survival necessitates the need to plan for every type of business disruption. Because business interruptions can range from natural disasters to technical glitches to acts of terrorism, organizations must be prepared. It is estimated that the worldwide market for business continuity services by 2005 will be sixteen billion dollars.

Protect Your Data with PowerQuest DataKeeper

DataKeeper performs secure, automated backup and restoration of Windows client data to a designated Snap Server, network drive, or to a local hard disk. DataKeeper is included free of charge with every Snap Server. It is licensed to the Snap Server owner with unlimited use on all workstations that save data to network drives, so your desktop worries will virtually disappear.
Easy-to-Use Network-based Backup DataKeeper is an easy-to-use, network-based file backup solution for users. It can be used as a simple backup solution for small workgroups, and it can be the desktop link in a larger corporate backup strategy.
For mobile users, DataKeeper stores backup files on the Snap Server, if present, or on the local hard disk when disconnected from the Snap Server. When the mobile PC is reconnected to the Snap Server, backups stored on the local hard disk are automatically synchronized to the backup location on the Snap Server.

DataKeeper may be configured using a command-line interface to start and/or stop on demand, or in response to certain situations.

DataKeeper will also:
  • Backup any combination of files and folders in real time
  • Archive multiple chronological copies of data
  • Restore lost information/documents at the touch of a button
  • Provide security through password protection and compression
  • Create a backup profile that will run each time the machine starts and will continuously monitor all activity during the session
Like Saving Files onto a File Server…But Faster
Customers often wonder how DataKeeper will affect system performance either locally or on the network. The short answer is that you probably will not notice that DataKeeper is even running.
Each time you save a file, your application writes the data to your hard drive. If you have selected the option “Start Monitoring,” every time you save a file it actually gets saved twice, once locally and once to the Snap Server. How does this happen? DataKeeper monitors your file activity, looking for files that are being saved. When it detects a change, it duplicates the new data onto the Snap Server and creates an immediate backup of your work.

Works in the Background

The performance should be better than saving files to a network server because the second write of your file (the one that goes to the Snap Server), happens in the background. You do not have to wait for DataKeeper to complete before you continue working on your file. Your operating system will save the file on the Snap Server when it has the time, literally between keystrokes as you continue to type your document.

Backs Up Only the Types of Files That You Select

You can choose the file types you want DataKeeper to duplicate. By default, DataKeeper automatically backs up all files. But you may modify this list at any time using the DataKeeper user interface.

Completing the Initial Backup

In some situations, you will notice considerable usage of your system resources. You will find that your system becomes very busy while doing any type of complete backup. This happens when you run an “Initial Backup” or choose to do a “Back Up Now” from the Backup tab. DataKeeper is no more demanding than any other backup program. This load on your system will go away once the backup operation is complete.

Copying Files to a Monitored Directory

You may also notice that your computer becomes busy when you create a large number of files at once. Remember that DataKeeper is signaled to back up files whenever they are created or modified. Copying an entire directory, for example, results in multiple file creations. The amount of network traffic generated will be the same as if you were copying the files directly to the Snap Server. Limiting the types of files that get backed up can reduce this traffic.

Backup Solution for an Industry Problem

PC users face the risk of data loss of everyday. DataKeeper can create a backup profile that will run each time the machine starts and will continuously monitor all activity during the session. PowerQuest DataKeeper is a real-time backup solution that allows users to continuously backup their system with little or no intervention.

System/Network Requirements

DataKeeper client(s) require the following minimum standards:

Processor    486DX/66 MHz or higher

  • 32 MB (Windows XP Home and Professional)
  • 32 MB (Windows Me)
  • 32 MB (Windows 2000 Professional)
  • 32 MB (Windows NT 4.0 Workstation)
  • 16 MB (Windows 98)
  • 8 MB (Windows 95)

Hard Disk Space
4 MB

File Systems

Operating System
Windows XP Home and Professional
Windows Me Windows 2000 Professional Windows NT 4.0
Workstation (through Service Pack 6) Windows 98
Windows 95 (or later)

Network Protocols
Microsoft Networking over TCP/IP

VGA or higher resolution

Network Connection
Ethernet connection to one or more Snap Servers (with operating system software v2.1 or later) or other network attached device

Error notification through activity log Flexible command-line interface allows job scheduling, run-on-demand and set-and-forget options

Password protection Compression Fault-tolerant backup sets

WinZip/PKZip compatible compression encoding for basic archive operations




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