Capacity on DemandTM (COD)
Data growth is extremely hard to forecast. You spend considerable time and money trying to anticipate your upcoming storage requirements, and, frankly, prefer not to think about them at all.
The typical dilemma is whether to spend funds now for backup storage that may not be used for quite some time, or risk underestimating storage growth and face paying even higher prices to retrofit the tape library later.
The capacity on demand feature, CoD, makes it easy to:
Immediately increase capacity when you need it
The tape libraries are delivered with all slots fully loaded with a specific number of slots activated for immediate use. Slots can be turned on in increments through key activation, which may be purchased in advance or ordered as needed.
Efficiently manage data growth
CoD allows you to closely match data growth curves while eliminating wasted time and resources. It further mitigates the risks associated with unpredictable growth events such as acquisitions, mergers or a busy holiday season. With CoD, it's easy to grow your data "worry free" by adding the capacity you need, when you need it.
Eliminate long-range forecasting and expensive retrofits
Over purchasing storage capacity leaves you vulnerable to wasted capacity and strained cash flow. When capacity is over or under purchased it can potentially cause downtime from not anticipating capacity needs properly. With CoD, demand for capacity can be met instantaneously and is the most cost-effective and efficient way to meet growing data storage needs.