VXA tape drive technology
NOTE: These tests were performed with VXA-1 tapes and are also valid with VXA-2 technology.
Unique VXA Technology
VXA technology incorporates a number of breakthroughs that increase performance and reliability while reducing cost. VXA introduces discrete packet format, which substantially improves error recovery rates, and overscanning to virtually eliminate data loss. This unique design reduces cost by decreasing dependence on precision components and assembly. Variable speed operation has also been built-in to constantly adjust tape speed to match the actual data transfer rate, reducing backhitching. |
Why purchase VXA technology?
Restore - More Than Backup
When a failure occurs, restore is your only option. But if a restore fails, you're out of options. All of the disaster recovery plans in the world won't do you any good if your backup solution can't recover your data. It's all about restoring your data - That's why VXA is engineered to deliver restore.
VXA - Breakthrough Technology
VXA formats data in packets, operates at variable speed, and can scan data multiple times in one single tape pass. These three patented innovations mean that your data is there when you need it.
In a real-life face-off, the VXA-1 tape drive outperformed DDS-3 by more than 2:1 and nearly matched DLT7000 - at a fraction of the price!
Unbeatable Value
With 66 GB capacity at 6MB/sec and starting at US$899 MSRP, the VXA-1 beats every other mid-range tape solution on value.
Compare VXA to Mammoth, DLT, and DDS. There is no tape technology on the market today that can compare to VXA on price/performance.
Unbeatable Reliability
In the VXA Extreme Tests, the VXA-1 tape drive restores data from tapes that have been boiled, frozen solid, and dunked in coffee.
What's inside VXA?
VXA™ revolutionizes the tape storage industry by using technology similar to that already proven in the networking, Internet and rewriteable
CD markets. VXA sets a new standard for data restore and interchange while offering extraordinary tape drive performance.
» 66 GB at 6 MB/sec » Designed for 100% reliable restore » Optimal backup and restore job times » Assured media interchange » A new standard in data storage value
VXA-1 Tape Drive Specifications
Discrete Packet Format™ (DPF)
The enabling foundation of VXA technology is its revolutionary Discrete Packet Format. DPF enables data to be written and read in packet form, providing users a data restore capability unprecedented in the storage industry. The packets are uniquely addressed and can be read in any sequence.
Variable Speed Operation™ (VSO)
The VXA-1 drive adjusts the tape speed to match the host transfer rate in real time, protecting data integrity and tape drive reliability while optimizing backup and restore job times. Conventional streaming drives must operate at a constant speed, and when the flow of data to or from the drive is interrupted, they must stop and reposition the tape. This "backhitching" accelerates media wear, which can adversely impact the reliability of your data and shorten the life of the drive mechanism.
OverScan Operation™ (OSO)
OverScan Operation is a technique for reading data packets independent of track shape or geometry. By reading packets with multiple scans, VXA virtually guarantees data restore. This also ensures media interchange - data on any VXA tape can be read by any VXA drive.
VXA-2 Model |
» 160 GB at 12 MB/sec » Designed for 100% reliable restore » Optimal backup and restore job times » Assured media interchange
VXA-2 Tape Drive Specifications
VXA Extreme testing
What is VXA Extreme?
VXA Extreme is the definitive proof that VXA tape drives can restore data which, with any other tape technology, would be lost without any chance of recovery. In the VXA Extreme Tests, the VXA-1 tape drive restores data from tapes that have been boiled, frozen solid, and dunked in hot coffee.
What VXA Extreme is NOT...
VXA Extreme is not about how tough the VXAtape media are. That is not the point. The point is that, even with tapes that have been abused and damaged beyond the tolerance of any conventional tape technology, a VXA-1 tape drive restores the data - successfully.
Proper Care
There is no substitute for proper care of your data storage equipment. No tape manufacturer intends for media to be subjected to the conditions of the VXA Extreme Tests as part of normal use. But, if and when the unthinkable happens, wouldn't you rather be on the safe side, with VXA?
Hot Coffee Test
Hot coffee is not a very "nice" liquid. its acidity actually makes it corrosive to the tapes' thin magnetic metal coating. the suspended coffee oils, which give the coffee its flavor, can adhere to the surface of the tape. finally, the heat of the coffee can distort and warp the ultra-thin plastic media. for any conventional tape drive, a hot coffee spill is the kiss of death. but not for VXA.
The VXA Advantage
VXA works its magic with coffee-damaged tapes just the same way that it does for boiled tapes and frozen tapes. VXA's advanced hardware error correction, the most sophisticated in the industry, guarantees that there is very little chance of losing data, even if the tape is coated locally with coffee stains. VXA's Discrete Packet Format (DPF) means that the data can be restored even if the tape is warped or distorted from exposure to heat. VXA's advanced technology lets it restore data that would be lost with other tape drives.
We Ran the Test¹
First, we wrote two VXAtapes with 100
MegaBytes of data. Then we placed the first tape in a dry beaker. We brewed a fresh pot of coffee, just the same way that our engineering team likes it in the morning: Hot, and strong. Then we poured the coffee right onto the tape, submerging it completely, and leaving it submerged for 30 seconds. We removed the tape from the beaker and took it through a two-stage water rinse to dislodge any coffee sediments. Then we shook the tape to remove excess moisture and padded it dry with paper towels. We repeated the process with a second tape, leaving this one submerged in the hot coffee for one full minute. Then, to accelerate the drying, we placed both tapes in an environmental chamber at 35 C and 26% relative humidity for 24 hours. Afterwards we removed them and we let them air dry and acclimatize to room temperature for another 12 hours.
The Result: 100% Restore
After drying, the tapes were loaded into a VXA-1 tape drive, and the original data was restored without error.
¹ All tests documented with signed affidavits. Copies available on request. For more information, contact
Frank Saab, Ph.D., Testing Director, VXA Extreme Labs.
Freezing Test
The dangers to the ultra-thin media are crushing and puncturing by the sharp ice crystals, driven by the pressure of volumetric expansion (the reason that solid iron pipes burst in winter). The damage would make it all but impossible for a conventional streaming tape drive to perform its track-following read. Not so with VXA.
The VXA Advantage
VXA's advanced hardware error correction, the most sophisticated in the industry, guarantees that there is very little chance of losing data, even if the tape is damaged locally. VXA's Discrete Packet Format (DPF) means that the data can be restored even if the tape is warped or distorted from exposure to moisture. This advanced technology lets VXA restore data that would be lost with other tape drives.
We Ran the Test¹
First, we wrote two tapes with 100 MegaBytes of data each. To encase them in the ice, we first poured distilled water² to a depth of three inches into a large, flat container, and froze it overnight in a refrigerator. The next day, we set the tapes flat on top of the ice, covered them in about three inches of distilled water, then replaced the container in the freezer. Twelve hours later, the tapes were frozen solid. To accelerate the thawing, we then placed the
block of ice in an environmental chamber at 35 C and 26% relative humidity. Twenty-four hours later, we removed the tapes from the chamber, and let them dry further and acclimatize to room temperature for another twelve hours.
The Result: 100% Restore
After drying, the tapes were loaded into a VXA-1 tape drive, and the original data was restored without error.
¹ All tests documented with signed affidavits. Copies available on request. For more information, contact Frank Saab, Ph.D., Testing Director, VXA Extreme Labs.
²Using ordinary tap water would not be expected to materially affect the outcome of the test.
Boiling Test
Few things are as damaging to the dimensional integrity of data storage tape as elevated temperature. The media plastic film is extremely thin - just a few microns, or about a tenth of the diameter of a human hair. The slightest overheating makes it warp, curl, and lose its original shape. Every conventional tape technology relies on micron-precision alignment between data tracks and magnetic heads - but not VXA.
The VXA Advantage
Unlike conventional tape drives, which write data in continuous tracks thousands of bytes long, a VXA tape drive writes the data in flexible, efficient packets. It can read them one at a time, in any order, even if the tape is deformed, and then put them back together in its data buffer to rebuild the original data. Coupled with VXA's sophisticated hardware error correction, the most advanced in the industry, this means that VXA can restore data that would be lost with other tape drives.
We Ran the Test¹
First we wrote two tapes with 100 MegaBytes of data each. For this test, we used distilled² water which we poured into a beaker and brought to a rapid boil. At our altitude, in Boulder, Colorado, this is a temperature of about 96 C. We submerged the tapes in the boiling water. The first tape was submerged for 30 seconds. The second tape was submerged for one full minute. The tapes were then shaken to removed excess moisture, and padded dry with paper towels, before being allowed to dry for 72 hours at normal room temperature conditions.
The Result: 100% Restore
After drying, the tapes were loaded into a VXA-1 tape drive, and the original data was restored without error.
¹ All tests documented with signed affidavits. Copies available on request. For more information, contact Frank Saab, Ph.D., Testing Director, VXA Extreme Labs.