AssetFrame meets these new customers' requirements for easy implementation
and use.
A real decision assistance centre for the IT department, with its management
tool and integrated key management reports, AssetFrame makes easily available
all the key indicators required for correct decision-making.
François Combes, IT correspondent for the Autodistribution group declares: "AssetFrame
is a complete software package that has quickly given us an overall view of
our PC stocks on the Morangis site which we did not have before.
Its biggest advantage is that we are now able to set up an organization and
procedures to optimize our IT resources. We shall shortly be establishing services
monitoring and planning and the nominal and geographical allocation of our computers.
In a word, AssetFrame is very welcome !
Goran Lalic, Network manager at Mattel says : "Concise and functional, AssetFrame
enables me not only to manage my installed base but also to monitor the work
of the micro department on a daily basis. In short, a convincing and efficient