DLT tape libraries / jukeboxes
Unylogix offers Digital Linear Tape (DLT) tape libraries ranging in size from 5 cartridges to nearly 50,000 cartridges in capacity. Many models offer advanced features such as hot-swap drives, redundant components (fans, power supplies...), modular architecture, great expandibility, mixed media capabilities, web based administration, fibre channel connectivity, etc... We provide solutions from all major vendors including the various manufacturers below - ATL Products, ADIC, Storagetek and Exabyte.

ATL Products, Inc. offers
the industry's broadest line of automated DLT libraries.
With capacities ranging from 2 to 45 drives and from 16 to
over 1,300 cartridges, DLT libraries from ATL support a wide
range of backup and archival needs--from small to midrange
LANs to large super-servers with hundreds of networked
users. Amongst ATL's featured products are jukeboxes based on their Quantum technology.

offers the largest line of DLT tape storage products in the industry, from scalable, data center libraries to standalone drives and media.
Qualstar has been designing and manufacturing the world's finest tape products since 1984.
Its TLS-6000 family of DLT and SuperDLT tape librairies includes several distinct models that offer the widest range of capacity and throughput options in the industry. With capacities from 350 GB to over 76 TB, the TLS-6000 Series economically and reliably automates DLT-based applications.
Qualstar also offers tape libraries/jukeboxes for other tape formats, like AIT, Super-AIT and LTO.

Storage Technology Corporation
is the preeminent provider of network computing storage. StorageTek products and services store, transport and secure more than 100 petabytes of the world's information, ranging from mainframe data to client/server applications to video, audio amd still images.